Play draughts online

This is a simple HTML & javascript game website where you can play draughts online against the computer, an old but challenging board game on an 8×8 checkers-board.

How to play draughts?

The rules are simple:

  • The pieces must always move one square at a time, on the black squares.

  • The moves must be made diagonally only forward, except for a King.

  • To take an opponent’s piece, you have to jump over it to an empty square.

  • Multi-takes are allowed and can be made by the same piece successively.

  • When a piece reaches the last opposing line of the board, it becomes King and can take backward.

  • To win the game, you have to eat all your opponent’s pieces or block them so they can not make any valid move.

You can play draughts online on Have fun and tell us what you think.